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  Tuesday  February 17  2004    02: 33 PM

thanks for thanks

I just went out to my mailbox and found a thank you treat from Andy Fraser, in London (the one in England.) He sent me Chalmers Johnson's "The Sorrow of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic". An excellent choice from my Amazon wish list. Thanks, Andy! I really appreciate it.

Update: ConterPunch just happens to have a review of "The Sorrow of Empire" today.

Bush's Endgame
A Review of "The Sorrows of Empire"


If you listen to the Bush Ministry of Disinformation, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly -- and millions of Americans do, every day -- you get the impression people opposed to Bush's plan for endless war are Marxist nutbars and shrill hate-America malcontents.

Sure, some of them are Marxists. But most of them are normal people. In fact, some of them are even former CIA consultants.

Like Chalmers Johnson.

Johnson thought antiwar demonstrators during the Vietnam were naive. He voted for Ronald Reagan. In retrospect,
Johnson told John Wilkens of the San Diego Union-Tribune, he was "a spear carrier for the empire."

"If you have a little money, I'd prepare your escape route," Johnson says. "You might want to go up to Vancouver and buy yourself a condo."
