
Weblog Archives

  Monday  February 23  2004    02: 22 AM


The panorama bug bit me in the early 90s. I bought a panorama head for my medium format Mamiya Universal in order to do panel panoramas. (It rotates the camera around the lens nodal point.) Making all those prints and mounting them together never happened. But now we have stitching software! Except not all stitching software is the same. This summer I got out my old panorama head and made three overlapping images. (Actually, I did four but the fourth's exposure was bad.) I bought a copy of PanaVue's ImageAssembler. It had seemed to work OK on other tests I had done, but it just couldn't handle the three images from the Mamiya. I kept getting ghosts. I tried Panorama Tools with both the PTAssembler and PTgui interfaces, but things just didn't line up quite right. Then I read about The Panorama Factory and checked it out at panoguide. I was encouraged to download the demo and — WOW! It nailed it.

Summer Morning at Honeymoon Lake

The demo is fully functional but puts text in the middle of the picture. I did this using the wizard, but it also seems to have a lot tweaking capability if things don't line up. Now I need to find $60 to register it.

Snow at Honeymoon Lake

This picture was taken with my antique digital Olympus D-600L, hand held. There is a little ghosting but it did an amazing job for hand held and I was not even begining to rotate it around the lens nodal point.

Now to start planning some panorams...