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  Saturday  April 17  2004    08: 23 AM


AIDS in Zimbabwe
by Kristen Ashburn

Ten million Africans are infected with HIV. Eighteen million have already died from the virus. One in four children in Southern Africa has been orphaned. Forty-three million more Africans will die from AIDS by 2010.

In December 2000, I decided to reveal the individual stories behind these grim statistics. I began my work in Harare, Zimbabwe, the epicenter of the AIDS epidemic. At first, it was difficult to grasp the fact that 35% of this beautiful country’s population is HIV-positive. But as people graciously opened their homes to me, I began to understand the pandemic’s human toll. In nearly every home- someone sick or dying from AIDS.

Mother Son
HIV positive mother baths her 19yr. old son who is dying of AIDS.
Old Mbvuku, Harare, Zimbabwe, March 2002
