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  Wednesday  May 5  2004    11: 24 AM

the iraqi intifada — vietnam, lebanon, and the west bank on internet time

Iraq continues to unravel — faster and faster...

Back from Iraq

I just had a long and very interesting conversation with a reporter back from Iraq. Here's a partial summary:

- Many Iraqis have turned against America itself. After the invasion, there were always Iraqis who were anti-American, but the majority were not. Up until recently, Iraqis were anti-Bush and anti-occupation, but still talked about how much they loved the American people. Right before Al-Sadr and Falluja, this changed. Iraqis started to turn against American journalists and now do not like Americans, period.

- The significance of the pictures of torture cannot be overstated. While Saddam tortured more systematically and more often, Iraqis never saw evidence of it in print. Since they do not trust the press to report the truth just because that's the function of the press, many have concluded that the American occupation is in fact worse than Saddam. Why else would pictures of torture be allowed?


Analysis: Withdrawal on the cards?
Events in Iraq have been spinning out of control - and out of control of the spinners - so fast on so many fronts that the W word - withdrawal - is now being mentioned.

Talking Points Memo

One of the things I've found difficult about writing about Iraq in recent days is imputing some level of seriousness to the arguments of the president and his retainers who continue to press an optimistic view of what's happening in Iraq. From them, on any given day, you can still hear the argument that, notwithstanding some tough days, things are still getting better in Iraq and the key to success is sticking with it.

At the same time, I talk to, or have conversations related to me with, various foreign policy, intelligence and military experts, all of whom --- across the political spectrum --- seem to believe that things are about as bleak as they can be. On top of this, they seem uniform in the belief -- sometimes based on inference, other times based on direct knowledge -- that the White House is fresh out of ideas about what to do, and basically hasn't any idea how to proceed.


How Ahmed Chalabi conned the neocons
The hawks who launched the Iraq war believed the deal-making exile when he promised to build a secular democracy with close ties to Israel. Now the Israel deal is dead, he's cozying up to Iran -- and his patrons look like they're on the way out. A Salon exclusive.

Pentagon to Keep 135, 000 Troops in Iraq

  thanks to Political Animal

U.S. Military Deaths in Bush's Iraq Crusade


  thanks to The Blogging of the President: 2004