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  Sunday  May 23  2004    10: 18 PM

O what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive!

How bad can Iraq get? Well, they neocons got conned. The thought the were fighting a war for Israel's interests. It now turns out that their man with all the information on Saddam was an Iranian agent — Chalabi. Does the term dumb-fucks spring to mind? The three stooges do Iraq. It would be funny if so many people weren't dying. These people need to go to jail for a long time. This is treason.

Bay of Goats
Maureen Dowd

So let me get this straight:

We ransacked the house of the con man whom we paid millions to feed us fake intelligence on W.M.D. that would make the case for ransacking the country that the con man assured us would be a cinch to take over because he wanted to run it.

And now we're shocked, shocked and awed to discover that a crook is a crook and we have nobody to turn over Iraq to, and the Jordanian embezzler-turned-American puppet-turned-accused Iranian spy is trying to foment even more anger against us and the U.N. officials we've crawled back to for help, anger that may lead to civil war.


America's 'Best Friend' A Spy?

Senior U.S. officials have told 60 Minutes Correspondent Lesley Stahl that they have evidence Iraqi politician Ahmad Chalabi has been passing highly-classified U.S. intelligence to Iran.

The evidence shows that Chalabi - who was once seen as the man likely to lead Iraq by White House and Pentagon officials - personally gave Iranian intelligence officers information so sensitive that if revealed it could, quote, "get Americans killed." The evidence is said to be "rock solid."

Sources have told Stahl a high-level investigation is under way into who in the U.S. government gave Chalabi such sensitive information in the first place.


  thanks to The Agonist

While Talking Points Memo and Political Animal are great sources for keeping up on this, a new one to me is all over it: War and Piece. Excellent.