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  Tuesday  June 15  2004    11: 58 PM


Literature for the Imminently Dead

Having so little time at hand gives one a sense of urgency that the likes of you may only wonder at. I have experienced this myself, having recovered from a terminal illness earlier this year. Hours are precious; minutes tolerably valuable; days of great import, excepting vomiting-days. One does not want to waste time reading a long tome when a short would suffice. Neither does one want to waste time learning skills and information which will soon be as useless as hats for silt.

No, what anyone in this position wants - and by "anyone" I mean myself, and by extension others - is some means of sampling the cream of the crop without reading, or indeed encountering at all, tedious quantities of unnecessary words.

With this in mind, here are the classics in five words or fewer.

1984 (George Orwell)

Misery. Tortured by State. Happy.


  thanks to J-Walk Blog