
Weblog Archives

  Thursday  July 15  2004    10: 58 AM


Photographs by Christine Welch

These images evolved from that first picture. During my sabbatical leave in 1994, I drove from Eastern Pennsylvania to Minneapolis and back, stopping in small towns and poking around in empty clubs, funeral homes, any kind of public space and making photographs, the one final subject of which is interiors used for some public or common purpose. The images describe the time between events. At the content level the pictures are sociological studies of culture and class as evidenced in artifact. Looking at them reminds me of peeking into the medicine chest while using an acquaintance's bathroom.

I think these sometimes modest, sometimes sterile, sometimes pretentious rooms are important. They are the places where we gather to share our common experiences. Ultimately, however, I photograph them because I like prowling around finding them, being in them, talking to the people who guard them... the subject acts as my boundary in an exploration of how camera and color materials can be used to describe fact. I am searching for ways to use the light, color and form to crystalize their beauty, poignancy, irony, wealth and humanity."


  thanks to Conscientious

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Photographs by Christine Welch

  thanks to Conscientious