
Weblog Archives

  Friday  September 24  2004    10: 45 AM


Kevin Hayden, at The American Street, has a list of progressive blogs. This blog is even on it. So, when I get distracted and my blogging interval gets a bit long like it has recently due to a family crisis and a family celebration and work and a photography project I hope to blog about later today, you can check some of these out. But don't forget to come back.

States Writes: a Progressive Peer Directory from The American Street

Research links to mass media & blog sources in all states. Swing states - won by less than 55% of the popular vote in 2000 - are highlighted, with cumulative Gore and Nader vote totals defined as Dems. State newspapers are generally listed in order of city size, but capital city papers and highly regarded publications may supersede that order. Blogs without postings after 1 July 2004 were screened out.


  thanks to Political Animal