The title of this piece comes from the Biblical book of Kings I, Chapter 22, verse 19. Ahab was a rich and powerful Israelite king, who coveted the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite. Naboth refused to sell his only possession to the King, for he was greatly attached to his family plot. So Jezebeel, the King's wicked wife, set Naboth up. She bribed some wicked men to accuse Naboth of a false crime, for which he was stoned to death. Then Jezebel told Ahab to take possession of the dead man's vineyard.
In those days there was a God who cared about justice, so he sent his prophet Elijah to rebuke Ahab: "Will you kill and also take possession? Thus saith the Lord: In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth, shall dogs lick your blood as well..."
This sentance is often used in modern Hebrew as a phrase to rebuke particularly egregious crimes. It came to my mind today, when reading about the latest actions of the Israeli government.
First, the news from yesterday's new York Times:
"The Israeli government secretly approved a measure last summer that says it can seize land in East Jerusalem owned by Palestinians who live elsewhere, the government and a lawyer for the Palestinians said Monday."