
Weblog Archives

  Tuesday   February 15   2005       09: 49 PM

first light

The 4x5 back is done for the Burke and James. There are a few bits left to put back on the camera but here it is ready for first light.

The new 4x5 reducing back.

The hood is open for first light.

And there was light.
And it was upside down.
And it was good.

I don't think I will be buying more camera gear for awhile. Reality is rearing it's ugly head again and money is short but there is a roll film back already in the pipeline that should be here soon. And Nick, the guy I traded for the camera, is sending me a 127mm lens for the price of postage. Time to fix up what I have and find things like my 4x5 film holders. The 127mm lens is equivalent to a 35mm lens on 35mm cameras. The two lens I already have are a 254mm lens, equivalent to a 70mm lens, and a 210mm lens, equivalent to a 58mm lens. There are a few holes there but they should occupy me for some time.

The first thing to upgrade will be the tripod. The Manfrotto tripod and head are rated for 11 pounds. The camera is less than that but that long camera hanging out there flexes the tripod pretty badly. Just have to be careful and it'll work. A low cost solution is a surveyor's tripod with a Majestic gearhead. Both can be had cheap on eBay and will hold up to 35 pounds. Such as an 8x10 or an 11x14. Two low cost lenses (relatively) to consider are a 150mm (43mm equivalent) Schneider G-Claron like my 210 and a 100mm (28mm equivalent) Kodak wide field Ektar. Then there is the 5x7 back and the dark room...
