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  Friday  February 18  2005    09: 00 PM

when news becomes propaganda

All Propaganda, Almost All the Time

Chomsky has said that propaganda is to democracy what violence is to totalitarianism. In a totalitarian state, you just shoot people who don’t do what you want them to. In a democracy, you have to control what they think. Thus, as he says, “Education is a system of learned ignorance.”


Facts are stupid things

Now if most conservatives at least had the integrity of Madeleine Albright -- not exactly a high standard to meet -- they'd look at those facts, acknowledge them, and say that they think the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children were "worth it." or say that there was no alternative, short of the destabilizing war we eventually had, to deal with Saddam. And that might be the basis of a productive discussion.

But they don't. They just retreat into a world where facts don't exist, and events they're uncomfortable with don't take place.


Wanted: An Investigative Reporter to Break Open the Explosive Story of a Mainstream Press that Betrays America

The White House apologist mainstream press corps is now flagellating the Internet blogs and news services, such as BuzzFlash, claiming that writers on the net are fast with the truth.

What the reality is is this: sites like BuzzFlash.com are fast, fast in telling the truth. The New York Times and Washington Post are so interested in protecting the status quo that they are now the tail end of breaking White House scandal stories, rather than breaking them. They can lay claim to be 12th and 13th to publish hot news stories, two weeks after they've hit the Internet.


  thanks to Madelane Coale