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  Tuesday  March 15  2005    05: 09 PM

You can trust the Israelis, can't you?

I don't like the term "apartheid wall" for the security fence Israel is building in the West Bank. Israel is not engaged in building an apartheid regime. The fence is an Israeli tool to engage in ethnic cleansing, as a recent article by Amira Haas makes clear. (full article follows below).

Ha'aretz - 09/03/2005 You can trust the Israelis, can't you? By Amira Hass Two weeks ago, Omar Awad called in his eldest son Fuad, 15, for a man-to-man talk. "I explained to him: `We don't have land, we don't have a country, the land is gone, the country is gone. And I don't want to see you sitting in jail someday for something that isn't going to come back.' For whom would he sit in jail? For the people with all the millions? `All I want from you is to study,' I told him. `Learn well. There is a good school here in the village. Do your matriculation exams, so that I can send you abroad to study.'"

Fuad is named for Omar's brother, who was 14 when he was shot to death in front of Omar's eyes by the Border Police, in their village, Nahalin, which lies to the west of Bethlehem. That same day, Israeli soldiers killed five residents of the village. Ever since, the name Nahalin has sent a tremor of shock through the hearts of Palestinians.
