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  Friday  June 10  2005    03: 31 PM


Stanley Kubrick gives Chicago a Look
Rare, unpublished photos reveal the early visual handiwork of a great filmmaker

Few people know that before he started making movies, Stanley Kubrick was a star photojournalist.

Six weeks after graduating from high school, Kubrick went to work for Look magazine the way other kids went to college.

Much later, Kubrick called his job at Look "a miraculous break." It taught him a lot about photography, but more that that, Look "gave me a quick education in how things happened in the world." In the summer of 1949, Look sent him to Chicago to shoot the pictures for a story by Irv Kupcinet. He brought back 40 rolls of film and a rare record of his own education as a filmmaker.


  thanks to RangefinderForum.com

Stanley Kubrick's Chicago


  thanks to RangefinderForum.com