
Weblog Archives

  Friday  July 22  2005    10: 36 PM

maybe the light at the end of the tunnel isn't an oncoming freight

Things are starting to lighten up a bit. Three of the four sites that I have been working on are done and the fourth will be done this weekend. It's been a real grind doing three weeks of work in a week and a half. Other work has been put off and I will be able to catch up with that soon. William arrived from Iraq this afternoon. They will be leaving for California and Colorado Monday. It's a weight removed knowing he is home safe. Today was spent running errands and doing physical non-computer stuff which also refreshes the mind. One good thing over the recent work is that my bank account is filling up and there is some large format gear in the pipeline as well as some film developing equipment. Ken Smith has encouraged me to develop my own and I think I've figured out how to do it without built in running water. More later. Now back to regular programming.