
Weblog Archives

  Saturday  December 31  2005    11: 09 PM


There are several new additions to my Frappr! map. Another of my family signed up — Chantelle. There are three bloggers that I read regularly: Eliot Gelwan (one of the first bloggers I started reading 5 years ago), James Luckett, and Ronni Bennett (who has an excellent blog on aging.) There are two who I know from Rangefinder Forum: Dan Snelson and Jan Normandale. And a number of readers that are new to me: Daniele (Italy), Jerry Jones (Netherlands), Alex Sly (Argentina), L Marques (Portugal), Tamar, Lalo, Christian Bech (Denmark), Chris200, DWC, and Steve Scherbinski. Thanks to everyone for signing up. It's nice to know that there is someone out there reading what I have to post. It's encouraging. Thanks!