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  Thursday  February 2  2006    10: 57 AM


More Deception from the Bush White House
The True State of the Union

This is what I have been writing for years, while the economics profession adopted a position of total denial. The first world gainers from globalization are the corporate executives, who gain millions of dollars in bonuses by arbitraging labor and substituting cheaper foreign labor for first world labor. For the past decade free market economists have served as apologists for corporate interests that are dismantling the ladders of upward mobility in the US and creating what McMillion writes is the worst income inequality on record.

Globalization is wiping out the American middle class and terminating jobs for university graduates, who now serve as temps, waitresses and bartenders. But the whores among economists and the evil men and women in the Bush administration still sing globalization's praises.

The state of the nation has never been worse. The Great Depression was an accident caused by the incompetence of the Federal Reserve, which was still new at its job. The new American job depression is the result of free trade ideology. The new job depression is creating a reserve army of the unemployed to serve as desperate recruits for neoconservative military adventures. Perhaps that explains the Bush administration's enthusiasm for globalization.


  thanks to Politics in the Zeros

The above piece is a must read. What is also interesting, as Bob at Politics in the Zeros points out, is that the author is part of the ruling elite. Check out his credentials at the bottom of the essay.

Saving in 2005 Worst Since 1933

Americans' personal savings rate dipped into negative territory in 2005 for the first time since the Great Depression as consumers depleted their savings to buy cars and other big-ticket items.


  thanks to Bad Attitudes