
Weblog Archives

  Wednesday  February 8  2006    11: 28 PM

gerry report part 3

Everything is set for moving Gerry to HomePlace tomorrow. I can't help but think of these last days as being a series of things that will happen no more. Gerry and I went out to lunch today. We have gone out to lunch many times these past months but today was the last time. We will be able to take her out after she moves to HomePlace but it will be in Oak Harbor and it will be with Zoe. We will be able to bring her home for a weekend but I'm not sure that will happen. And probably in another month we won't be able to take her out at all at the rate she is going. So today was the last time Gerry and I went to lunch. A lot of other little things that are also last times. I look forward to tomorrow with trepidation. But Zoe and I are talking about things we will now be able to do that we haven't for the last year. It's all mixed.