
Weblog Archives

  Saturday  February 18  2006    01: 26 PM

A lesson in humility

Many here recently received a large measure of lessons in humility. A leader of imperial power, whose brain never ceased to feverishly invent plots and plans for acquiring even more power, was turned in seconds into a coma-ridden individual. The all-powerful emperor's son was convicted and thrown into jail; "rebels" who were drunk with power, and only yesterday kicked the leader who brought them 40 seats in the Knesset, are now crawling under tables picking up crumbs of power. Even the ghoulish smile of Naomi Blumenthal was erased for a moment showing us that something has changed in Israel after all.

It seems that someone up there, whose patience has run out in the face of the ongoing aggregation of hubris, is trying to hint at something to us: not only to politicians as individuals, but also to Israel as a political and military entity.

As usual, Israel once again finds itself gaping open-mouthed and helpless in the face of the political developments teetering as usual between the poles of "I'm warning you" and "gevald!" Only yesterday it smashed the PLO and turned up its nose at Abu Mazen, now it has been slapped in the face by Hamas; only the day before yesterday it conducted at will sonic booms over the Assad palace, and now it is wringing its hands over the Iranian-Syrian-Hamasi "existential threat" that embraces it from the northern border, from distant Iran, from Palestine in its ribs, and from Gaza in the south. Only last night Israel threatened the Palestinians with "ruthless disengagement," and now it is hit with a permanent rain of Qassam rockets.
