
Weblog Archives

  Friday  March 17  2006    11: 34 PM


Comptroller General of the US Delivers Alarming Barn-Burner

Let that sink in a little bit - 2.5 times the taxes we pay today. 60% reduction in things like Pell Grants and Head Start and container inspections. Things like that.

It's alarming - and believe me, the tone of Mr. Walker's presentation was alarming as well.

This administration and our Republican-controlled Congress are spending money in a way that none of us would in our daily lives. As the mid-terms approach, I think the message that, if you have a job, your obligation to the Federal government is now $375,000 or if you have a child, its obligation to the Federal government is now $156,000. Those are real dollars that will have real meaning to average people.


  thanks to Magpie