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  Friday  April 21  2006    09: 29 PM

any day now

Cleaning my old film holders has been slow going but I now have 5 4x5 film holders loaded with 10 sheets of Efke PL25.

They are all vacuumed, windexed, number notches filed, and labels attached with name, contact information, film number and film type. Three of them are from my pile of old film holders. The other two, of five, I've had since the 1970s. One of them still had film in it from the last time I shot 4x5 which would have been around 1980. It was fun loading the sheet film in the dark. It's been a long time. Another 10 holders to go. The Burke & James is loaded in my pack with all the appropriate paraphenalia. Now I just need to take it out and make some exposures. Any day now.