
Weblog Archives

  Friday  May 19  2006    09: 53 AM


Not One Drop

George Bush has no intention of obeying international law or following the United Nation’s rules. After his Iran resolution fails in the Security Council, he’ll resume his belligerence while trying to cobble together a coalition for sanctions. The media has already begun the disinformation campaign; stressing the “serious concerns” of the international community about Iran’s nuclear programs.

It is 100% bunkum.

The “international community” has never cared a whit about Iran or its fictitious weapons programs. The driving force behind the hostilities is Washington. Even Bush’s allies on the Security Council (Germany, France and England) know the whole thing is a sham intended to elicit public support for a war.

Do they think we were born yesterday?


How Iran will win a sanctions war

Over the past two months US President George W Bush and officials of his administration have repeatedly asserted that diplomacy is crucial to resolving the Iran nuclear issue. But rather than focusing on relations between Washington and Tehran, this diplomacy has been fixated on gaining international support for US-led economic sanctions against Iran.

With Russia and China unwilling to play along, economic sanctions against Iran will be imposed by a small group of key US allies without the United Nations' imprimatur. These sanctions will prove much more damaging to those countries applying them than to Iran.
