
Weblog Archives

  Saturday  July 29  2006    01: 16 PM

something good this way comes

At least not everything in my life (and the world) is a disaster. After my traumatic horror story about destroying my beloved Jupiter 12 35mm lens that I use on my Leica IIIc, I received an email from one of my Australian readers. It was either from Scott or Monica or maybe one of their ferrets (they are the little tricksters). Scott has an extra minty J12 that he is sending my way as a gift. And a generous gift it is! I'm looking forward to it. It will be known as the Scott and Monica Memorial J12. Thanks!!

Things photographic have been on hold with trying to help Gerry this past week. I have 10 sheets of 4x5 color and 25 sheets of 5x7 black and white that want to be exposed but I need to clean up those film holders. I received the M42 adapter for the digital Pentax so that I can use my screw mount Super Takumars from my film Pentaxes. I still need to test those. And I received a piece of 4x5 ground glass and a cable release for the 4x5 Polaroid camera conversion. So many projects, so little time.

At least I have my links organized and I will get them up this weekend.