
Weblog Archives

  Friday  January 5  2007    10: 39 PM


Soody Sharifi

The bodies of works which I have created, whether they are photographic series or installation using photography, continuously feed off and compliment each other both conceptually and technically. These images point to a more layered, carnivalesque reading of the two traditions, traditional/ancient and contemporary culture, but in emphasizing the delicate fictional underpinning in these images, in my opinion they come closer to representing “reality” than what is shown in most news media. Through these images, I explore the tension between public and private spaces, depicting scenarios which undo the images of Islamic stereotypes represented through the narrow focus of the daily media. Moreover, I hope they also challenge the Muslim expectation of propriety. By using fictive and documentary strategies, I have sought to create bodies of work that hover between photographic realism and fantasy.


  thanks to Conscientious