
Weblog Archives

  Saturday  February 3  2007    03: 17 PM


Living Rivers

Living Rivers promotes river restoration through mobilization. By articulating conservation and alternative management strategies to the public, we seek to revive the natural habitat and spirit of rivers by undoing the extensive damage done by dams, diversions and pollution on the Colorado Plateau.


Grand Canyon Campaign

Forty years ago, a major public outcry succeeded in stopping the construction of two major dams which would have inundated Grand Canyon National Park. The famed Colorado River and its unique desert ecosystem would be preserved—or so it was thought.

Unknown to many, a less noticeable, but nonetheless lethal blow had already been delivered. The 1963 completion of Glen Canyon Dam, upstream, and just outside the Park, was beginning to unleash a current of devastation which now, four decades and numerous violations of federal laws later, has nearly destroyed all the native habitat of Grand Canyon’s famed river corridor.

But it’s not too late, to Save Grand Canyon again!
