
Weblog Archives

  Saturday  May 26  2007    11: 08 PM


Trashing Organic Standards

When you buy organic foods, you expect organic ingredients, right?

Silly consumer.

Last week the USDA unveiled their new “standards” for 39 food materials. Amazingly enough, all 39 proposed “standards” simply declare chemicals or chemically grown foodsstuffs can now be hidden in foods labelled “organic”. The comment period ended Tuesday, May 22.

Big Industrial Food (and their colleagues temporarily on detail as Bushie political appointees at USDA) have been chewing this over for years. The Bushies at USDA generously gave the public seven days of comment (instead of the usual 30 or 45) on the latest loopholes Big Ag and Big Bug Spray found for our tables.

Big Ag and Big Bug Spray have entered their “Harry Potter” phase. They want the USDA to magically declare:

Chemically grown rice magically produces organic rice starch
Chemically grown hops magically make organic beer.
Chemical cheese from chemically raised milk magically contains organic whey protein
Chemical fish raised in pens and fed nothing but artificial food pellets and antibiotics will – when passed through industrial grinders – magically produce organic fish oil.

Fuck the fucking corporations. They's kill us all for a fucking buck. Fuck them all. Don't even ask how I really feel.