
Weblog Archives

  Wednesday  July 11  2007    09: 14 AM

boring family pictures

My oldest, Jenny, is visiting from Fort Carson, Colorado. She came with her kids Robyn and Evan. Unfortunately, her husband, William, is still in Baghdad. It's been hot here. It's been in the 80s. It's true, we are heat wimps. Anything over 70 degrees is getting too warm. Jenny, Robyn, and Evan came over last night with Katie and her son Mike. It was after 7pm but it was still warm. Everyone immediately went around to the back of the house where we had a little swimming pool set up. These pictures are for you, William. We wish you were here. You probably wish that, too.

update: I just got an email from William. It was 118 degrees in Baghdad today.

Jenny and Evan


Robyn and Mike



Evan and Katie