
Weblog Archives

  Sunday  May 18  2008    11: 09 AM


James Howard Kunstler: Colbert Appearance and a Response to Critics


The $200 barrel of oil?


Portrait of an Oil-Addicted Former Superpower
How Rising Oil Prices Are Obliterating America's Superpower Status

Nineteen years ago, the fall of the Berlin Wall effectively eliminated the Soviet Union as the world's other superpower. Yes, the USSR as a political entity stumbled on for another two years, but it was clearly an ex-superpower from the moment it lost control over its satellites in Eastern Europe.

Less than a month ago, the United States similarly lost its claim to superpower status when a barrel crude oil roared past $110 on the international market, gasoline prices crossed the $3.50 threshold at American pumps, and diesel fuel topped $4.00. As was true of the USSR following the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, the USA will no doubt continue to stumble on like the superpower it once was; but as the nation's economy continues to be eviscerated to pay for its daily oil fix, it, too, will be seen by increasing numbers of savvy observers as an ex-superpower-in-the-making.

That the fall of the Berlin Wall spelled the erasure of the Soviet Union's superpower status was obvious to international observers at the time. After all, the USSR visibly ceased to exercise dominion over an empire (and an associated military-industrial complex) encompassing nearly half of Europe and much of Central Asia. The relationship between rising oil prices and the obliteration of America's superpower status is, however, hardly as self-evident. So let's consider the connection.


The Coal Crunch is Materializing

Putting it simply, China is importing a smaller volume of Coal than last year, but actually spending more money doing it. Especial attention should be taken to the prices per tonne, in the order of $60 – 70.

At the same time prices in Europe are well above $100 /tonne and Indonesian Coal is expected to reach a $150 /tonne, this kind of Coal was below $50 /tonne last year.

Apparently the international Coal market is getting tight enough for a country like China to feel the pinch. While Europe and North America are still able to import their usual share with prices triple of those last year, China isn't. Volumes available for export in South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand are being diverted away from local buyers with lower purchasing power.
