
Weblog Archives

  Sunday  August 30  2009    03: 41 PM

album art

Aside from my general business, my vinyl ripping is in full swing. It's nice to hear those old records again. I've also started buying LPs again. It started with Ken Nordine's Word Jazz. I've been wanting it for decades and, thanks to the miracle of eBay, I now have one. In addition to now having that music in a more portable format, I've enjoyed the album cover art. I'm scanning the albums and putting them up on Flickr. Here are the ones I've done and larger versions are at my Flickr stream Album art.

The albums are just a little larger than my 8 1/2" x 11" scanner so I scan them in 4 sections, do any straightening in Photoshop and then combine them using the panoramic section of Photoshop Elements 7 (Elements 6 works great, too.)