
Weblog Archives




  Wednesday   April 11   2001

Texas Legislature Busy Reversing Course from Bush Era
Molly Ivins reports on how Texas is reversing course:
Meanwhile, back at the state zoo, we still have an agenda dominated by George W. Bush, but it's Bush-in-reverse. Pretty much whatever George W. stood for, the Legislature is now undoing as fast as it can, and whatever he was against is now getting done. It's a striking symmetry.

We're going to have to wait another 1361 days before we can start undoing bush at the national level.

Thanks to wood s lot

 09:41 AM - link


Weblog Wannabe had links to a couple of online Tetris games which prompted me to go to Google and see if there was a copy of Pong somwhere. Yes there was.

But the game I have always wanted was the first computer game I got sucked into - Lode Runner. Not the new Lode Runner but the Lode Runner I ran on my Apple IIc in 1984. The link has a version that runs on a PC.


 01:21 AM - link

  Tuesday   April 10   2001

The Other Side of the World
There is an informal and anecdotal belief among Americans that if you dig a hole deep enough, eventually you would come out in China. This is theoretically possible if the hole is angled in the right way, but if you dig straight down and through the exact center of the earth from anywhere in the 48 contiguous United States, you'd come out in the Indian Ocean. Only in parts of Argentina or Chile would a straight hole emerge in China.

This map shows what's on everyone's Other Side.

Thanks to Weblog Wannabe

 11:56 PM - link

Ahh! Late night surfing. Wandered around so much I don't know who to attribute these too.

This is a really big Earthlights picture. It's supposed to print well on glossy photo paper.

The referrer to this site (I lost track of who was responsible for pointing this out) said he laughed until the tears came to his eyes. Yeah. Sure. Well, so did I. It is a huge site with things like the The Institute of Official Cheer which contains pages such as this Practical Encyclopedia of Craptical Ideas.

Read it and weep...with tears of laughter. God knows I could use some after my computer died yesterday.

 02:11 AM - link

  Monday   April 9   2001

Design is not a therapy session

Web designers need to grow up, leave their inner artist behind and embrace the challenge of usable design.

Then one day that instructor said something I've not forgotten. "Design is the art of effectively communicating a message while making the communication medium invisible." Herein was a challenge, an artistic one, that captured me.


Thanks to Elegant Hack

 09:52 AM - link

Satan’s ABC’s of Child Destruction
The Truth About Harry Potter

The Harry Potter Books are in fact designed to be recruiting tools for Wicca/Witchcraft and the occult.

Who knew?

Thanks to wood s lot.

 02:15 AM - link

Well, disaster finally struck today. My trusty old Pentium seems to have lost its mind. Its been getting flakier and flakier this past week and this morning it would just barely load Windows. I backed up some critical files, made a run for more Zip disks, but it finally wouldn't even load Windows. Maria was kind enough to loan me a computer. Now to get the data of the old hard drive (IhopeIhopeIhope). I loaded what I could on the new machine but not enought to do...

TestingTesting tomorrow night (looking at the time it is actually tonight). I will have to upgrade to a G2 encoder and there is to much to go wrong to chance a show this Monday. It was to be David Ossman (of Firesign Theater fame). Hopefully, next Monday.

Remember how America got all worked up when Bill Clinton said "I did not have sex with that woman", and then it later turned out that our president had lied?

Well, along comes George Bush, the redneck from Texas, promising to return dignity and integrity to the White House. Nearly 50% (Whew!) of American voters believed him enough to vote for him. Less than 100 days after taking office, would that all he had lied about was a sexual affair. Other than the oaths he certainly made to his backers, Bush's promises don't seem to be worth the shit that dropped from the high horse he rode into Wasington on.

This Blog is an excellent source of articles chronicling the rape of America by george w. bush and cronies.

 12:19 AM - link