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War Around the World

North Africa / Middle East


page 4
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War Around 
the World

North Africa / Middle East
page 4

Feb 19

As I hoped, clear and sunny. 0745 to docks in damp jeep and work hard on two sketches for paintings while Snow makes some shots elsewhere. Secure and take the road once more running South paralleling the lines of breakers that wash this East ending of the Mediterranean. 

 Damur Sedon. Tyre with ancient fort out in the sea, and another on the hill above. Acre and then into Haifa. Old names, sun and sea. B Oil storage tanks, refineries, end of oil line that comes all the way from Baghdad. 


Cross border at Leom, Syria into Palestine. Mt. Carmel, Athlit, Zikhron Ya'agov, Caesarea and Hadera. We move rapidly through history in our jeep, and are now entering the long suburbs of Tel Aviv.