What an amazing birthday weekend!!! I've already mentioned that my nephew Gregg was here from WI...well, the weather couldn't have been more gorgeous for his stay. Gordy & I picked him up from Seatac on Friday, and while I crashed that night, Robby & Gordy went to my Mom's and they all had great fun debating everything, from politics to the Matrix movie!!! Saturday, Gordy stayed home with Mikey, while my Mom, Katie, Gregg and I went to see that oh so cultural icon of Oak Harbor; Fred Flinstone's Car! Who knew? Leave it to my nephew to find such rare treasures here on the Island ! On our way up north, we engaged in the fine art of GeoCache. Gregg has a personal GPS, and there's a whole world of "nerd cum advernturers" out treasure-hunting! What a blast. Our mission was to check out "Alpaca'd Up".  A meeting of the minds between Gregg & Katie
 We found it!
 Gregg signing in the log -- he took a "travel bug"
 Katie's turn to log inI was with some of the most loving people this weekend for my 50th -- I managed a quick hug from Robby, and I spent a lot of time being pampered by my Mom, Gerry, Gordy, my LOML, Gregg, Katie and Mikey. I also had voice mails and emails from Peg, Jan & Scott, Aunt Joan, Candi & Gary, Jim & Mary, and a few more surprises such as the CDs from Allette Brooks. Some more amazing moments consisted of sitting on the "Rainy Day" and feeling Dad while watching Eagles catch thermals...sharing the boat with Gordy, Katie, Mike, Gregg & Mom [the batteries were shot, so we couldn't take the Rainy Day out...but sitting on the water is goodness too ]. Eagle-eyed Michael spotting Gerry on the other side of the canal; Mikey running into Gregg's arms for a hug /hello proved to be a magic too. I also got a hug from Irene, while Dondear was inside cooking, and met one of her kids, Theresa, with her husband Paul. Gregg made Mom, me & Gordy a birthday dinner of "scientifically proven to taste the best sautee'd garlic", and pasta -- Mom contributed fresh strawberries with angel food cake and "whipped topping". [BTW, Gordy, don't I rate a "Coale chocolate cake"?]. This weekend we laughed a lot together... ...and today we cried a lot when we dropped Gregg off at Seatac. But April 17th 2004 the "GNL (Great North Left)Gillman Girls" will be heading east to watch this amazing guy get married -- Kate, you be good to our guy, promise? ..until then.