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Civilian casualties update
  Thursday   May 15   2003       01: 28 PM

I don't always read the mailings from Dr. Weil, but serendipity played a part, and not only did he talk about the herb of the week being Garlic, and all it's benefits, but mentioned the following -- and article that follows is a good reminder:

With ongoing war coverage in Iraq, SARS, and other anxiety-provoking news stories blaring at you from the television, radio, and newspapers all day, it can be hard to feel calm. That's why I think taking some time away from the news is good for your health. I know this task can be difficult, but try it for one day. I think you'll be surprised by how much the news can affect your overall mood.

Three of the major challenges to our mental health today are stress, anxiety and depression. Fortunately, there are any number of simple steps we can take in our daily lives to regain a sense of balance, feel better and live calmer more satisfying lives. ..read the entire article.....