I don't know if it's wishful thinking but this AM Yoko was out from behind the books that she was "hiding", and she drank some water, food still doesn't interest her, but she went downstairs to the cat-house, so I'm hoping and thinking maybe the insulin regimine doesn't need to happen -- at least not today. I called the Vet, and Rachel said that if she's out of hiding, it's a good sign, and that if she relapses into that behaviour again, I can bring her in tomorrow for her day of insulin regulation, and then start her daily injections after that, the 24 or 48 hours will not make a difference. It does to me. To drop her off and leave her at the vets is killer. And if /when? I start insulin injections, they can't be stopped, and yet she still has to eat this new food, not the stuff she enjoys, so as Scarlett says, "Tomorrow is another day" ... "I'm just so tired, tired, tired...". So, I invoke the images of magical Streaky the Supercat to help protect my kitties, and help Yoko feel better and more energetic -- Yoko Auimeh Gillman, we can do whatever needs to be done together! We "Gillman Girls" are made of sterner stuff.