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Civilian casualties update
  Friday   May 30   2003       09: 58 AM

I just heard from Dr. Parent regarding Yoko. He's such a kind and caring man. Here's the scoop:

He gave her a huge dose of a cortizone type of drug to help her breathing. They took x-rays, and the preliminary look shows fluid around her heart and /or a tumor. She has had heart failure is his guess. His options were to have her go to a hospital in Lynnwood for a workup, because she has so many things wrong with her, they would do a sonogram of the heart, and take care of her 'round the clock, work on her insulin, breathing, heart, lungs et al, or she could stay the weekend at the UBAC (Useless Bay Animal Clinic) and he would come over frequently to check on her, but he can't be there 24x7.

As of now, he will be taking fluids from around her heart using what I imagine to be similar to an amnio type of needle they use to check babies in the womb. The most vital thing was to get her breathing again, hence the cortizone shot -- but she has all these problems that the care conflict with eachother -- her asthma, her diabetes, her heart -- the meds all exacerbate things, and it's a fine line to walk, and it takes time and care to try to find the balance.

So, I left it that she'll stay with Dr Parent. I am to phone about 3:00 today, and maybe, if he thinks it won't stress her out too much, I can visit her. He says right now she's resting. When I asked for his thoughts about her future, he says as of now, recovery is 50/50 -- so we wait and pray and hope she fights the good fight, and that she can rest. She is in good hands after suffering all night long. It is unreal that since May 11th, she could degrade so much. I hope she can breathe easily soon...I know that after the cortizone shots, she usually perks up soon after...to work so hard to breathe is demoralizing -- she needs to rest, relax, sleep, inhale the good air, exhale the toxins.

I will wait by the phone for any updates from the Doctor, until I call at 3:00.

I love you my dear Yoko, my friend, my girl...you've always been here for me, I hope I'm choosing the right path for you now, and you know that I'm here for you as best as I can be. I'm sending positive healing light, loving light and protective white light your way always.
