This is WRONG...but since Will has to go, please send your prayers and protective safety vibes to William Valdez, Jenny's husband, Robyn and Evan's Dad, and our Son-in-law who, last night, we heard is getting ready to head for Ramadi, Iraq. He leave this Saturday, August 8th '04 after doing his year and 1/2 hardship duty in Korea. He was supposed to come home and be stationed in Fort Lewis, but instead is heading for a year's tour in Iraq -- and without leave. We love and miss him, and can't wait until he comes home and can see his family and his baby boy, Evan (who is a HOOT!!! Evan is so alert, cute, smiles, chats, and even rolled over, and Robyn insists he said "Robyn" -- Evan is about 9 weeks old, but looks and acts older -- what do kids these days do to make such brilliant and smart children?!?).
 This snap is from Evan's Birth-day...
 At China City, Evan is there, but asleep in his car seat out of camera range look at the love-glow looks being exchanged...sigh!
Be safe, come home soon! ..peace, vote!