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Civilian casualties update
  Saturday   August 28   2004       07: 33 PM

Well, wasn't I the perky one yesterday, full of wisdom...who knew that today there would be extra dues to pay. For those of usns who are PWCI (people with chronic illnesses) there is frequently this level of denial always at bay. Although everything I mentioned about how to help one through the MRI experience stil holds true, I have an addendum.

I forget that my being "strong" or active or "out there" often has negative consequences. MRI, and gearing up for same is not an exception at all.

This AM I woke up, feeling killer pain all over my back (with the gradual building up of Rx I was doing in prep of the MRI yesterday, it masked the immediate pain of laying stiffly on a metal "bed" with a sheet between me an it). I also had to hold a position for a VERY long time, and that is also not normal to the restless PWFM.

So, I suggest that if you are susceptible to pain and exhaustion like myself, that you PLAN on the day after being for pure rest and recovery. Believe it or not, this is the 3rd time today I woke up, and it's after 7:00 PM!

It's been a long time since I've had a "fibro-flare" and /or day with my body reacting this way.

Be good to yourself, and don't feel the guilts the day after if you react like I did -- make sure your SO or any other peeps around you take care to not put you in your place! Believe me, there is nobody who is more angry at me than me today for not being able to make the Kerry rally than myself today!

Peace, take care of yourself,