Unreal !!! All three sites are BENIGN !!! .
*I''m Cancer Free !!!*
 Thank you again dear ones for everything!!! Words don't do my gratitude justice!!!"
words from an email I wrote earlier...:
"The Exclaimation Point Just Came in and it is official!!! I just heard from the Oncologist, Hank Kaplan, MD extrodinaire...and everything is benign!!! Un-effing-believable!!! Thank you all so very very much!!! Your support and caring and sharing of personal experiences brought me to this place...without you there /here this couldn't have happened. He received the final results last night, and spoke to the radiologist, Parikh today to make sure that he had no concerns about getting more tissue -- and he said that Parikh was very positive and said to get my 6 month baseline on my left one in October (because this started on 4/15) and all is good! Apparently, what was stated as something "inconclusive" really turned out to be a double label on one of the slides, that they received, so they weren't sure if it as site "a" or site "b", but since all the sites (3) turned out very benign -- that was a non-issue!!! Hallelujiah!
[insert happy dance here]