A fan of Christine's forwarded the link to this to me /us.
Christine Lavin, "Harrison Ford" (available on Getting In Touch With My Inner Bitch)[Buy It!] Representative lyric: "The only living movie star I've ever adored... Takes all my concentration not to fall on the floor / At the feet of that fabulous mega-movie star / Harrison Ford."Does it portray the subject accurately? Sort of. Lavin's cheery folk song documents an actual accidental meeting with Ford, who apparently smiled at her and sent her a detailed telepathic order to keep moving and not spoil his quiet evening. While her fannish description of Ford as "just a regular guy / Okay, with better brawn and brains and bones" seems perfectly accurate, few other singers have commented on his psychic powers. Flattering or creepy? Flattering and kind, respecting Ford's humanity and right to privacy while simultaneously ecstatically drooling over him. This is a much sweeter tribute than Lavin's "Prince Charles," an even more tongue-in-cheek 1981 tribute declaring her heartbreak over Charles leaving the singles market. ("Oh, maybe you got panicky, thinking you were losing your looks / Well confidentially, Chuck, you got no looks to lose..."
What a hoot & what great fans! Thank you for this heads up, Rob!
 Harrisonharrisonharrisonharrisonha-a-ar-i-son [I'm singing f/song as I key this in...]
##[Taken from the article in The Onion July 13, 2005 Volume 41 Issue 28 /Tribute Tracks: Honor or Horror? (Movie Edition) /By Tasha Robinson]