I wish for the Valdezzzzzzzz' clan a safe journey. Last night I said my final bon voyages. We phoned to see if we could drop on by -- it was about 9:30 +/-PM. The kids (Jenny & William) were working hard to get their things in order, and write lists, and ready the house for inspection by the property manager, and get their car road-ready, for their trip that ETS (estimated time start) at 9:00AM. William came home "early" [it took 5 days of his emergency leave to get him home] because his father died unexpectedly, while shopping for groceries in CA, in the horrid heat wave. So, it falls to William to get his Dad's body our of the morgue and set up funeral arrangements, and, they decided that they will be taking his Mom with them to their new home in Colorado. Despite the tension, and hard work, they still laugh, although I think Billiam is still shell-shocked and hasn't been able to absorb everything yet, or the enormity of the latest sling and arrow sent their way. But, he has Jenny by his side, and Jenny is strong, and will make it work. It's brilliant that she didn't hesitate a nanosecond regarding William's choice to have their infirm, 71 year old Mom live with them. Pretty Amazing Folk! I said my final good bye to Robyn. I started to get teary-eyed, and this beautiful little girl /wise-woman placed her hand on mine to comfort me, and that definitely made a few tears drop, but I hope I hid them, and had a good loving and happy face on for her. Very special. I don't know if I bragged yet about her and me being "Sistahs" [sisters]. She's age-blind, what a joy, and we became sisters, just like that!
 Jenny, Robyn, Me & Gerry (My Mom)
Gordy and I peeked into the bedroom to see Evan sleeping and twitching to some exciting dream adventure. These are wonderful people, family, that I will miss terribly for the next 3 years. Robyn will be NINE when she returns, and Evan THREE!!! My intention is to get myself moving again, and maybe have stamina to go visit them in Colorado?!? They will do wonderfully, but will Gordy & I? It's a big ol' crater in our life /hearts. ##