Ok, this post will destroy any credibility I may have earned re: film-making and criticism (yes my college major at U Ha Art and U B Cinema) -- but I LOVE THIS FILM (yes, film not movie -- a distinction most would not agree with) called "50 First Dates". Maybe it's because I am dealing with a mother with Alzheimer's, or maybe because I had such low expectations before I watched this, but, this film had meat!!! I rented it, but am compelled to buy it now.
 50 First Dates
I love Drew Barrymore flicks, and I was so pleasantly surprised by Adam Sandler's very sweet performance (but not sugary sweet). It is a fairy tale, a twist on how to make an impossible situation possible. Romance. Good tunes, including one of my major favorite song of all times,
 IZ In Concert
"Over The Rainbow", performed by Israel Kamakawtwo'ole so, I say go for it -- rent it, and if you have a loved one with alz, it may be an antidote for those oh so hopeless days when the blues are the good feeling of the day. And the idea of making someone falling in love with you every day all over again...*sigh* and, like the "Wedding Singer", Drew and Adam do have chemistry that translates to the screen.
 The Wedding Singer
And, the dedication Adam has at the end to his Father is a touching bit of icing on the cake. ##