As I was grabbing all of the extraneous pieces of paper found in this week's "New Yorker", so I could hunker down for a good read (without paper cuts, or strong perfumes), I ran across our very own Dame Edna being "picked up", or "chatted up" at least, by our own Barry Humphries! It was such a joy to see these two having a tete a tete (or in this case, is it merely a tete?). None-the-less, by going online, I found this brilliant photo to post!
 [Look at those gams! ..zoe]
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group's international advertising campaign simply and elegantly connects the Group's well recognized symbol - the fan - with international celebrities who regularly stay at the hotels and consider themselves to be fans of the Group. All of the celebrities featured were photographed by world-famous photographer, Lord Lichfield, in a location of their choice and which, for them, best represents the feeling of well-being. Each fan has chosen a charity to which Mandarin Oriental is delighted to have made a donation of USD 10,000.
Below is their quote: "Barry Humphries & Dame Edna International Megastar with her creator, Barry HumphriesDame Edna is a fan of The Oriental, Bangkok for its close proximity to the livelyl Chao Phraya River. Barry prefers Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong for its spectacular views over the harbour, and the contrast it provides with the views of Sydney harbour from his waterfront home. Barry Humphries & Dame Edna's charity of choice is Ability Net"