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Civilian casualties update
  Friday   November 25   2005       05: 28 PM

I finally made up the daily activity sheet for my Mom, and sent it to Gordy to print (nopers, I've not got all of my peripherals attached to my back up computer). The intent is to try to avoid the increasingly nonsensical arguments that happen all of the time.

Lately, Mom's frustration has escalated to tantrums bordering on abuse. Lucky for Gordy, he doesn't have buttons Mom can find, but, alas, she created my buttons so they are pushed...HARD! She also has emoted in ways where she almost makes herself sick; shouting, gritting teeth, and pounding on the table, trying to make her reality a universal truth. How horrible it is for her to have us not give in to her beliefs re: important issues, like medicine taken, showers, etc.

She also has been doing a new thing where she forgets she ate, so she feels upset with us for not feeding her, and then after letting her know she did eat, she gets angry that we have a different memory.

Unfortunately, we're still stupid enough to try to reason with her. We try to remind her of her meals et al, yet tell her that it's no biggie, she can have more food. Why we feel this is something *we* need to do, since we are the ones who are aware that she's ill and doesn't know any better, so we should adjust our reality, I don't quite know. Maybe is has to do with our need to be believed and trusted too. Our reality counts too. It's frustration all around.

Anyway, I have done the initial draft of sheet, I've posted it here for others to use as a template for modification if they wish.

The theory is that we can avoid conflict by having both Mom and [me or Gordy or Kim or...] whomever tick off the box next to the activity as proof that the action was done, or not. The intent is that this way we can prove to eachother something happened or not. I'm keeping all of my digits crossed in hopes that this helps.

I'll keep y'all posted on this re: success or not.