Friday November 25 2005 11: 06 PM
Thanksgiving was a warm and fuzzy one yesterday. The usual suspects were not all present, but it was really a nice time. It was a push to go for me, but I'm glad I did. It was great to see Doris -- the first time since her surgery. She apparently also pushed to be there. I'm so glad she did. Some snaps from the day follow:
 Where's Mike? Katie said that Mike picked his outfit out, and they had just been there recently, so he planned it!
 Doris! Matriarch Coale
 Mom! Matriarch Gillman
 Doris Gordy Madelane
 Hannah Michael appended to Cameron next to Chantal
 When in the presence of Mom, always revert to being 5 years old! Roger Madelane Doris (Mom) Gordy