A good thing I just love good things -- they are so scarce of late...but I'm stoked!!! I was looking through the Marketplace, a local free rag, and in the adverts, I saw one for a FREE upright piano (Mike always loves to compose on my piono when he visits). but dangit, I was told that it just was asked for a few days earlier ...then... I FOUND another freebie in the very same paper and I phoned this number PDQ, spoke to his Mom, and she told me Dean would soon to be back within the half hour, and when I asked if it would be too late to call (about 9:30). Thirty minutes later, on the dot, I phoned, Dean answered, and voila -- we're picking it up on Sunday and getting it over to Katie's for Mikeybear!!! I hope he's as thrilled as I am. Oh I'm so psyched. ##