Wow! I love Reese Witherspoon to pieces and bits, but after seeing both films, "Walk the Line" and and now, "Transamerica", I surely think that Felicity Huffman deserved the Oscar, and the film - welll, suffice to say it blew me away!!! It is one of those "onion" films, that has layer upon layer of messages and there is so much fun in being an archeologist of sorts. Wow! What an amazing coming of age film, and one can come of age at any, nay many stages of one's life. Rent it or purchase it...just see it is my suggestion.
A fine night would be to grab, "Transamerica", "Everything is Illuminated", and "Dogma" (for dessert add "An Evening With Kevin Smith") IMNSO opinion (still not full? add the "Tao of Steve and "My date with Drew").
Memorial Day Weekend's DVD Menu:My latest love /find - such a gem of a flick, "Transamerica";
Everything is Illuminated - offbeat and great surprises you into thinking;
Dogma & An Evening With Kevin Smith mm mmm gooooood;
aw heck...why not "The Tao of Steve"...sort of this generation's "dude"...;
and then there's light fun fare with "My Date With Drew"
or...well, maybe next long weekend I'll make up a list of yummy flicks. Have a fine Memorial Day weekend. Peace. Enjoy! ##