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Civilian casualties update
  Tuesday   May 30   2006       05: 13 PM

Maybe you though that there was peace on earth of late regarding my Mom? Well, not really. Au contraire, life has been really really hard for her and for me. Whenever I get so low, I think - aha! I have hit bottom, time to get better, to my chagrin, I find it's just another trap door.

This past week there were more falls at HomePlace for Mom. She also is having a reaction to the latest increase in her anti-anxiety Rx and her anti-depression meds -- they impact her walk, so that she is shuffling again, and hurts physically. I think that there has been some benefit from her increased dosage, but not hugely noticeable.

She fell multiple times, one real doozy was when she followed a care-giver who was going from pod 3 (Mom's pod) to pod 1, via the courtyard. Mom was afraid to be left alone, so she followed this caregiver and took a nasty header, on the cement!!! Her face was scraped up -- her nose and forehead, and she hurt her hip, and her elbow was torn.

I took her to Dr Waite to check her out -- way too many falls for my comfort level to NOT have him see her and have them talk. The good news is that he said not tetanus shot needed, and not stitches. He also had a chat with Gordy, Mom and I, and it was good, regarding Rx and how they impact each-other, allowing only so much lee-way in modifying it without making things go really out of whack.

Mom also flirted with him. That is always a good sign.
The past 2 visits with Mom have shown her to be surprisingly aware, and alert, and she twinkled and teased Gordy and made other funny, wry remarks, on purpose!!! Yes!

I have had a huge case of the guilts of late. I am not managing to keep her safe enough. And her fear is palpable, I feel really ashamed of myself, and wish I could do more for her.

We also had another sad event happen at HomePlace. There was one lovely lady that I adored, named Jeanette, who was a resident in that pod. She was funny, and smiling most times. She chatted with us, even though it was gibberish, and she had such a kick out of the "bird" I brought in. She actually crowed at it! What fun. What a gentle spirit. Mom also liked her. She would engage her in "talk" and Kim mentioned that when she visited before, and they were at Bible study, Mom was holding Jeanette's hand.

I tried to help her when I could, getting her her glasses, or drinks, or someone to help her when she had to go potty. I managed to bond with this lovely lady. There were even hugs exchanged. She was a doll. If you're reading this, you're probably ahead of me already. I received in the most recent newsletter that she had died.

She will be greatly missed.