I don't know how this slipped under my radar, but let me remedy this now. Here are two articles re: Ann Coulter. What is she thinking? I always received the chills of dislike when I saw her on TV, now I know my instincts still can be more right than wrong "knock wood". War Room
Is this the end for Ann Coulter? We know that it may be wishful thinking, but we'd like to think that the people who produce TV news shows feel some moral obligation to civility or responsible debate that transcends -- at least once in a great while -- their desire for a controversial guest. If we're right about that, then maybe, just maybe, we've seen the last of Ann Coulter on network TV. Coulter was last in the news for claiming that the 9/11 widows who oppose the policies of George W. Bush are guilty of "enjoying" their husbands' deaths. This time around? In an e-mail exchange with the editor of a conservative site, Coulter seems to be advocating the murder of Democratic Rep. Jack Murtha. As Editor and Publisher reports, Coulter was asked to do the name-association thing with several prominent Democrats. When she got to Murtha, Coulter wrote: "The reason soldiers invented 'fragging.'" "Fragging," as Editor and Publisher notes, is the Vietnam-era term to describe the killing of an officer by one of his own soldiers. -- Tim Grieve
[below is part of the article /statement which Grieve referred to above]
Memo to Coulter: Your Swift boat is leaking We've had our chance to respond to the callous remarks Republican pundit Ann Coulter made yesterday, and you've taken your turn, too. Now it's time to hear from the targets of Coulter's smears. Crooks and Liars asked Kristen Breitweiser and some other 9/11 widows for their thoughts on Coulter's claim that they're "enjoying" their husbands' deaths as they use them to manipulate public opinion on behalf of the Democrats. . . . -- Tim Grieve
Wait! There's more...! First, here's a snap and short bio of Helen Thomas. It will be followed by a snap and quote taken from Time Magazine. Helen Thomas (born August 4, 1920) is a news service reporter and a member of the White House press corps. She was White House Bureau Chief for United Press International (UPI), where she was employed for 57 years until resigning in May 17, 2000 when UPI was acquired by News World Communications. News World owns The Washington Times; Thomas stated she resigned because of News World's ties to Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. Thomas then became a White House correspondent and King Features Syndicate (Hearst Corporation) columnist.
Thomas has covered every President since John F. Kennedy. Born in Winchester, Kentucky, Helen was raised in Detroit, Michigan where she attended public schools and later graduated from Wayne State University. Upon leaving college, she served as a copy girl on the now-defunct Washington Daily News.

Helen Thomas
 Ann Coulter from Time Magazine article