I had one more DVD en route from Netflix, and what a fantastic Film to end with. I saw it when it came out, way back when I was in Jr High !!! The impact was huge then, but to see it again, it has not lost it's impact, nor does it seem too dated for the year it was released ('69). I remembered the slogan "Z -- He is Alive", and I changed in my mind how many times it was spoken and /or displayed. I recall that I thought the music was inccredibly impactful, and back then, I didn't know who Yves Montand. I remember crying and clapping at the end when I first saw it, again, the appropriateness of that response has changed when I saw it today. It has moments of "All the President's Men", and "12 Angry Men", and other classics that grab you and take you for a ride that sticks with you even after the credits roll by. I suggest you rent or purchase "Z", grab your glasses (subtitles, unless you speak french), and get ready for a gem that will surprise you with it's current message, and probably sadden you with it's political message that has not manage to evolve at all since it's release.
 Enjoy! .. oe ##