I hated these at first -- Mom didn't look as pretty as Mom, and it was not a good one of me either[although that is an impossibility -- to get a good one of me -- subject matter and all] but now, Mom is healthy looking and we did this together to have a memory of us together at the Gallery (Robin's salon in Oak Harbor) and the photographer had her agenda, didn't let us choose what we wanted to do, etc etc -- all in all a not good day, but now, looking back, a precious day that I would take back in a heartbeat...
 Time's Perspective changes everything
[this was filtered to protect the innocent...] ##[Growing up, as a teenager, when I reached high school, I remember Mom always wanting us to have a specific type of Mother-Daughter relationship, where I was absolutely "girly-girl", and we did things like the Vinicks did; go to art shows together, or maybe do trips to the city for a lunch and shopping, and me to date many different men at once like she did growing up. But, I was never that "girly-girl", that extension of herself who was a beauty like her. I was a "one-man-woman" when I met Jim Finley at 13 going on 14. It became a very painful chapter in my life, my being unable to just "be" and explore Jim's and my relationship -- instead, there were rules created like having to date other's if I was to date Jim, etc etc. I was pretty much a rebel growing up, and I was involved in things that seemed foreign to Mom, dissention groups against the war, and ecological groups such as fighting "I 291" from bisecting the resevoir. I remember stopping traffic on "I-90" in Hartford, when I was 14. The group split in the walk, so at one point, I was leading it. I let her down in being as much of myself as I was. Get this dichotomy; I usually got permission to skip school for these protests, or do skip school to go to the beach with Bob Johnson in his Austin Healy 3000, and when forbidden to see Jim, wen Dad went to NYC on a buying trip, Mom let me sneak and see Jim. No surprise in this 20/20 hindsight that my Sr Yearbook I chose the ee cummings quote, "To be nobody-but-yourself -- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else".... Yet another digression, and another stray memory that sneaks up on me onto this blog.]