Not quite Magical Thinking, but color me desperate. And, you can help!!! This is what I did. I wrote Oprah.

She has a "Need a "HARPO HOOK UP" To Pull A Few Strings?" page where a person an ask for help and hope. Here's my letter: I'm trying to get my Mom into a nursing home here on Whidbey Island, WA close to me. I am her Durable Power of Attorney, but disabled, with health issues. Therefore, for me to be actively involved; speak for her from an informed position, personal contact and close proximity is imperative. My Mom has alzheimer's. She moved in with me November '03. Her needs became far greater than I could meet, even with help. Feb 9th, marked the very sad day when we moved her to HomePlace (55 minutes away). It came highly recommended. It was not a match, instead, a beginning of a series of horrors for Mom. Actions, out of my control, had Mom living over 2 and a half hours away, off-island (which means Ferry waits and dependency), in a state facility, and out of my care. Oprah, can you help expedite things when it comes to the state and get her to the private faciity of choice, Careage(20 minutes away)? What can you do? Link here, and write to her as well, asking to help Zoe from Whidbey Island Washington, get her Mom out of State Hospital, and close to home; Careage.
If I /we can get an "Alices Restaurant" movement working, they WILL pay attention. Will you do this for me and Mom? Please challenge Oprah to take on the State of Washington and get my Mom nearer to me before she has to spend her holidays in WSH. Thank you in advance. ##